"2014-12-02 23:00:00" // app/Providers/../Base/Publico/Artigo/resources/show_includes/info_artigo.blade.php
App\Base\Administrativo\Model\Artigo {#1843 // app/Providers/../Base/Publico/Artigo/resources/show_includes/info_artigo.blade.php #connection: "mysql" +table: "artigo" #primaryKey: "id" #keyType: "int" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:35 [ "id" => 9263 "edicao_id" => 25 "trabalho_id" => 128 "inscrito_id" => 763 "titulo" => "UM ESTUDO SOBRE A FORMAÇÃO DIDÁTICA NA LICENCIATURA EM MATEMÁTICA DA UFPB" "resumo" => "This article presents the results of a comparative study of curriculum matrices of Degree Courses in Mathematics HEI: UFPB UFPE, UFPI, UEPB and IFRN. Raise the total workload, the overall curriculum structure and the workload and the disciplines focused on specific training and teaching in each course, considering the focus of the analysis focused curricular components of matrices specifically for both teaching. The study was qualitative, based on a methodology of documentary character. We consider the defense that the educational institutions should provide a wide specific intellectual formation of their undergraduates, but without ignoring the pedagogical training, promoting the breaking of duality that has characterized the degree courses, based on our theoretical reflection to authors such as Garnica (1997), Cury (2001), Simões (2003) e Borba (2006). As a result, we found the separation between the specific and pedagogical training and concluded that the Bachelor of Mathematics UFPB promotes, compared to other courses involved in the study, lower teacher education, taking as reference disciplines geared specifically for this purpose." "modalidade" => "Comunicação Oral (CO)" "area_tematica" => "POLÍTICAS EDUCACIONAIS: GESTÃO ESCOLAR E FORMAÇÃO DOCENTE" "palavra_chave" => "FORMAÇÃO DOCENTE, LICENCIATURA EM MATEMÁTICA, MATRIZ CURRICULAR" "idioma" => "Português" "arquivo" => "Modalidade_1datahora_20_10_2014_19_11_34_idinscrito_763_988536dfc1555a1e8ff2dc02779bbb14.pdf" "created_at" => "2020-05-28 15:52:56" "updated_at" => "2020-06-09 18:57:54" "ativo" => 1 "autor_nome" => "AMANDA DOS SANTOS SOUZA" "autor_nome_curto" => "AMANDA" "autor_email" => "" "autor_ies" => "UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DA PARAÍBA" "autor_imagem" => "" "edicao_url" => "anais-i-cintedi" "edicao_nome" => "Anais I CINTEDI" "edicao_evento" => "Congresso Internacional de Educação Inclusiva" "edicao_ano" => 2014 "edicao_pasta" => "anais/cintedi/2014" "edicao_logo" => "5e49fa1743288_16022020232735.png" "edicao_capa" => "5f183dd42813b_22072020102332.jpg" "data_publicacao" => null "edicao_publicada_em" => "2014-12-02 23:00:00" "publicacao_id" => 21 "publicacao_nome" => "Anais do Congresso Internacional de Educação e Inclusão - CINTEDI" "publicacao_codigo" => "2359-2915" "tipo_codigo_id" => 1 "tipo_codigo_nome" => "ISSN" "tipo_publicacao_id" => 1 "tipo_publicacao_nome" => "ANAIS de Evento" ] #original: array:35 [ "id" => 9263 "edicao_id" => 25 "trabalho_id" => 128 "inscrito_id" => 763 "titulo" => "UM ESTUDO SOBRE A FORMAÇÃO DIDÁTICA NA LICENCIATURA EM MATEMÁTICA DA UFPB" "resumo" => "This article presents the results of a comparative study of curriculum matrices of Degree Courses in Mathematics HEI: UFPB UFPE, UFPI, UEPB and IFRN. Raise the total workload, the overall curriculum structure and the workload and the disciplines focused on specific training and teaching in each course, considering the focus of the analysis focused curricular components of matrices specifically for both teaching. The study was qualitative, based on a methodology of documentary character. We consider the defense that the educational institutions should provide a wide specific intellectual formation of their undergraduates, but without ignoring the pedagogical training, promoting the breaking of duality that has characterized the degree courses, based on our theoretical reflection to authors such as Garnica (1997), Cury (2001), Simões (2003) e Borba (2006). As a result, we found the separation between the specific and pedagogical training and concluded that the Bachelor of Mathematics UFPB promotes, compared to other courses involved in the study, lower teacher education, taking as reference disciplines geared specifically for this purpose." "modalidade" => "Comunicação Oral (CO)" "area_tematica" => "POLÍTICAS EDUCACIONAIS: GESTÃO ESCOLAR E FORMAÇÃO DOCENTE" "palavra_chave" => "FORMAÇÃO DOCENTE, LICENCIATURA EM MATEMÁTICA, MATRIZ CURRICULAR" "idioma" => "Português" "arquivo" => "Modalidade_1datahora_20_10_2014_19_11_34_idinscrito_763_988536dfc1555a1e8ff2dc02779bbb14.pdf" "created_at" => "2020-05-28 15:52:56" "updated_at" => "2020-06-09 18:57:54" "ativo" => 1 "autor_nome" => "AMANDA DOS SANTOS SOUZA" "autor_nome_curto" => "AMANDA" "autor_email" => "" "autor_ies" => "UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DA PARAÍBA" "autor_imagem" => "" "edicao_url" => "anais-i-cintedi" "edicao_nome" => "Anais I CINTEDI" "edicao_evento" => "Congresso Internacional de Educação Inclusiva" "edicao_ano" => 2014 "edicao_pasta" => "anais/cintedi/2014" "edicao_logo" => "5e49fa1743288_16022020232735.png" "edicao_capa" => "5f183dd42813b_22072020102332.jpg" "data_publicacao" => null "edicao_publicada_em" => "2014-12-02 23:00:00" "publicacao_id" => 21 "publicacao_nome" => "Anais do Congresso Internacional de Educação e Inclusão - CINTEDI" "publicacao_codigo" => "2359-2915" "tipo_codigo_id" => 1 "tipo_codigo_nome" => "ISSN" "tipo_publicacao_id" => 1 "tipo_publicacao_nome" => "ANAIS de Evento" ] #changes: [] #casts: array:14 [ "id" => "integer" "edicao_id" => "integer" "trabalho_id" => "integer" "inscrito_id" => "integer" "titulo" => "string" "resumo" => "string" "modalidade" => "string" "area_tematica" => "string" "palavra_chave" => "string" "idioma" => "string" "arquivo" => "string" "created_at" => "datetime" "updated_at" => "datetime" "ativo" => "boolean" ] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: false #hidden: [] #visible: [] +fillable: array:13 [ 0 => "edicao_id" 1 => "trabalho_id" 2 => "inscrito_id" 3 => "titulo" 4 => "resumo" 5 => "modalidade" 6 => "area_tematica" 7 => "palavra_chave" 8 => "idioma" 9 => "arquivo" 10 => "created_at" 11 => "updated_at" 12 => "ativo" ] #guarded: array:1 [ 0 => "*" ] }