"2017-10-12 00:00:00" // app/Providers/../Base/Publico/Artigo/resources/show_includes/info_artigo.blade.php
App\Base\Administrativo\Model\Artigo {#1843 // app/Providers/../Base/Publico/Artigo/resources/show_includes/info_artigo.blade.php #connection: "mysql" +table: "artigo" #primaryKey: "id" #keyType: "int" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:35 [ "id" => 50169 "edicao_id" => 73 "trabalho_id" => 166 "inscrito_id" => 330 "titulo" => "SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, SOCIAL PRIVATE INVESTMENT AND SOCIAL MARKETING: WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE?" "resumo" => "With the globalization and advancement of the frontiers of capitalism, several ventures direct their efforts only to increase profitability and several other aspects are left aside, at the same time that this movement is growing, emerges the other side of the scale, companies that not only are aimed at profit, but are also attentive to the demands of society and the environment that are embedded. Based on the second movement reported, this research aims to explain the concepts in the literature on Social Responsibility, Private Social Investment and Social Marketing in order to separate their definitions from the confusion created by the inadequate use of large masses, mainly from repercussions generated by common sense, bringing to the fore the readers the clarification that can be generated from these new terms that are still in increasing evolution. For this, it is used as a research method the narrative revision, more flexible because it includes the approach of more general themes, and thus has a qualitative comparative nature, mainly for evidencing the differentiation between three themes that have near and unknown meanings of the general public, and can serve as a base text for exploratory and introductory readings. In summary, it is expected that the article can contribute to the expansion of the debate on the subject in the academic environment, in the society and in the development of new researches that will contribute to the conceptual delineation of the areas. It is noticed that although the three concepts are very similar in common sense, when looking for their characteristics and practices in the literature, the distinction between them is clearly observed. A fact of great relevance for managers, academics, students and professionals in the area of organizational management that even though they do not have such areas encompassing their final activity, are surrounded by several aspects described in the paper." "modalidade" => "Comunicação Oral (CO)" "area_tematica" => "ADMINISTRAÇÃO PÚBLICA E DE EMPRESAS, CIÊNCIAS CONTÁBEIS E TURISMO" "palavra_chave" => "SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, PRIVATE SOCIAL INVESTMENT, SOCIAL MARKETING" "idioma" => "Inglês" "arquivo" => "TRABALHO_EV081_MD1_SA58_ID330_27082017045030.pdf" "created_at" => "2020-05-28 15:53:37" "updated_at" => "2020-06-10 12:56:42" "ativo" => 1 "autor_nome" => "LUCAS DOS SANTOS COSTA" "autor_nome_curto" => "COSTA, LUCAS." "autor_email" => "adm.lucassantos@hotmail.c" "autor_ies" => "UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO NORTE (UFRN)" "autor_imagem" => "" "edicao_url" => "anais-iii-join---edicao-brasil" "edicao_nome" => "Anais III JOIN / Edição Brasil" "edicao_evento" => "III Encontro de Jovens Investigadores - Edição Brasil" "edicao_ano" => 2017 "edicao_pasta" => "anais/join/2017" "edicao_logo" => "5e4a1cc2ad894_17022020015530.jpg" "edicao_capa" => "5f186f10b9555_22072020135336.jpg" "data_publicacao" => null "edicao_publicada_em" => "2017-10-12 00:00:00" "publicacao_id" => 47 "publicacao_nome" => "Anais JOIN" "publicacao_codigo" => "2594-8318" "tipo_codigo_id" => 1 "tipo_codigo_nome" => "ISSN" "tipo_publicacao_id" => 1 "tipo_publicacao_nome" => "ANAIS de Evento" ] #original: array:35 [ "id" => 50169 "edicao_id" => 73 "trabalho_id" => 166 "inscrito_id" => 330 "titulo" => "SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, SOCIAL PRIVATE INVESTMENT AND SOCIAL MARKETING: WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE?" "resumo" => "With the globalization and advancement of the frontiers of capitalism, several ventures direct their efforts only to increase profitability and several other aspects are left aside, at the same time that this movement is growing, emerges the other side of the scale, companies that not only are aimed at profit, but are also attentive to the demands of society and the environment that are embedded. Based on the second movement reported, this research aims to explain the concepts in the literature on Social Responsibility, Private Social Investment and Social Marketing in order to separate their definitions from the confusion created by the inadequate use of large masses, mainly from repercussions generated by common sense, bringing to the fore the readers the clarification that can be generated from these new terms that are still in increasing evolution. For this, it is used as a research method the narrative revision, more flexible because it includes the approach of more general themes, and thus has a qualitative comparative nature, mainly for evidencing the differentiation between three themes that have near and unknown meanings of the general public, and can serve as a base text for exploratory and introductory readings. In summary, it is expected that the article can contribute to the expansion of the debate on the subject in the academic environment, in the society and in the development of new researches that will contribute to the conceptual delineation of the areas. It is noticed that although the three concepts are very similar in common sense, when looking for their characteristics and practices in the literature, the distinction between them is clearly observed. A fact of great relevance for managers, academics, students and professionals in the area of organizational management that even though they do not have such areas encompassing their final activity, are surrounded by several aspects described in the paper." "modalidade" => "Comunicação Oral (CO)" "area_tematica" => "ADMINISTRAÇÃO PÚBLICA E DE EMPRESAS, CIÊNCIAS CONTÁBEIS E TURISMO" "palavra_chave" => "SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, PRIVATE SOCIAL INVESTMENT, SOCIAL MARKETING" "idioma" => "Inglês" "arquivo" => "TRABALHO_EV081_MD1_SA58_ID330_27082017045030.pdf" "created_at" => "2020-05-28 15:53:37" "updated_at" => "2020-06-10 12:56:42" "ativo" => 1 "autor_nome" => "LUCAS DOS SANTOS COSTA" "autor_nome_curto" => "COSTA, LUCAS." "autor_email" => "adm.lucassantos@hotmail.c" "autor_ies" => "UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO NORTE (UFRN)" "autor_imagem" => "" "edicao_url" => "anais-iii-join---edicao-brasil" "edicao_nome" => "Anais III JOIN / Edição Brasil" "edicao_evento" => "III Encontro de Jovens Investigadores - Edição Brasil" "edicao_ano" => 2017 "edicao_pasta" => "anais/join/2017" "edicao_logo" => "5e4a1cc2ad894_17022020015530.jpg" "edicao_capa" => "5f186f10b9555_22072020135336.jpg" "data_publicacao" => null "edicao_publicada_em" => "2017-10-12 00:00:00" "publicacao_id" => 47 "publicacao_nome" => "Anais JOIN" "publicacao_codigo" => "2594-8318" "tipo_codigo_id" => 1 "tipo_codigo_nome" => "ISSN" "tipo_publicacao_id" => 1 "tipo_publicacao_nome" => "ANAIS de Evento" ] #changes: [] #casts: array:14 [ "id" => "integer" "edicao_id" => "integer" "trabalho_id" => "integer" "inscrito_id" => "integer" "titulo" => "string" "resumo" => "string" "modalidade" => "string" "area_tematica" => "string" "palavra_chave" => "string" "idioma" => "string" "arquivo" => "string" "created_at" => "datetime" "updated_at" => "datetime" "ativo" => "boolean" ] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: false #hidden: [] #visible: [] +fillable: array:13 [ 0 => "edicao_id" 1 => "trabalho_id" 2 => "inscrito_id" 3 => "titulo" 4 => "resumo" 5 => "modalidade" 6 => "area_tematica" 7 => "palavra_chave" 8 => "idioma" 9 => "arquivo" 10 => "created_at" 11 => "updated_at" 12 => "ativo" ] #guarded: array:1 [ 0 => "*" ] }