"2017-10-12 00:00:00" // app/Providers/../Base/Publico/Artigo/resources/show_includes/info_artigo.blade.php
App\Base\Administrativo\Model\Artigo {#1843 // app/Providers/../Base/Publico/Artigo/resources/show_includes/info_artigo.blade.php #connection: "mysql" +table: "artigo" #primaryKey: "id" #keyType: "int" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:35 [ "id" => 49880 "edicao_id" => 73 "trabalho_id" => 375 "inscrito_id" => 868 "titulo" => "IMPROVEMENT OF COTTON PROPERTIES WITH SILICA PARTICLES COATINGS" "resumo" => "Nanomaterials, by definition, are materials with one or more dimensions measuring 100 nm or less. They also hold novel properties when compared to their corresponding bulk materials. Silica nanoparticles have been widely used in medical applications, like bioimaging, drug-delivery and therapeutics, acting as an excellent vehicle for carrying hydrophobic molecules or its functionalization of the external surface due to biocompatibility and easy surface tailorability, which is observed by the presence of silanol groups. Therefore, silica nanoparticles are considered quite versatile with increasing potential in nanobiotechnology scientific research. Here, is showed the controllable synthesis of fluorescent core-shell silica particles of two different sizes and the surface functionalization of them. Fluorescence tests to assess the adhesion stability of the negative silica particles was performed in cotton fabrics and measurements of water contact angle to determine the effects in the wetting behavior of the material, in order to future applications about hydrophobicity and antimicrobial effect. Fluorescein isothiocyanate isomer (FITC) was utilized in the synthesis and 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS) to turn charged positively the external surface of the particles. Dynamic Light Scattering technique was used to characterize the particles about size distribution and surface charge. To verify the stability of the coatings in cotton fabrics, fluorescence measurements were performed in a microplate reader from the supernatant obtained after the immersion of the fabrics in water and the diluted colloidal suspension of silica particles. The results showed relative fluorescence in the supernatant obtained after immersion of the fabrics treated with SiP-A1 and with SiP-B2, indicating a higher adhesion stability of the fabrics with 1 µm silica particles. Contact angle measurement results showed that the cotton fabrics treated with SiP-A1 and SiP-B2 became more hydrophilic when compared to the untreated fabrics. So, it was obtained a stable and highly water-absorbent cotton material from the coatings made of SiPs." "modalidade" => "Pôster (PO)" "area_tematica" => "ASTRONOMIA / FÍSICA" "palavra_chave" => "SILICA NANOPARTICLES, ORGANOSILANIZATION, HYDROPHOBICITY" "idioma" => "Inglês" "arquivo" => "TRABALHO_EV081_MD4_SA74_ID868_11092017231211.pdf" "created_at" => "2020-05-28 15:53:36" "updated_at" => "2020-06-10 12:56:41" "ativo" => 1 "autor_nome" => "MARCELLA TORRES MAIA" "autor_nome_curto" => "MARCELLA MAIA" "autor_email" => "marcellatorresmaia@gmail." "autor_ies" => "UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO CEARÁ (UFC)" "autor_imagem" => "" "edicao_url" => "anais-iii-join---edicao-brasil" "edicao_nome" => "Anais III JOIN / Edição Brasil" "edicao_evento" => "III Encontro de Jovens Investigadores - Edição Brasil" "edicao_ano" => 2017 "edicao_pasta" => "anais/join/2017" "edicao_logo" => "5e4a1cc2ad894_17022020015530.jpg" "edicao_capa" => "5f186f10b9555_22072020135336.jpg" "data_publicacao" => null "edicao_publicada_em" => "2017-10-12 00:00:00" "publicacao_id" => 47 "publicacao_nome" => "Anais JOIN" "publicacao_codigo" => "2594-8318" "tipo_codigo_id" => 1 "tipo_codigo_nome" => "ISSN" "tipo_publicacao_id" => 1 "tipo_publicacao_nome" => "ANAIS de Evento" ] #original: array:35 [ "id" => 49880 "edicao_id" => 73 "trabalho_id" => 375 "inscrito_id" => 868 "titulo" => "IMPROVEMENT OF COTTON PROPERTIES WITH SILICA PARTICLES COATINGS" "resumo" => "Nanomaterials, by definition, are materials with one or more dimensions measuring 100 nm or less. They also hold novel properties when compared to their corresponding bulk materials. Silica nanoparticles have been widely used in medical applications, like bioimaging, drug-delivery and therapeutics, acting as an excellent vehicle for carrying hydrophobic molecules or its functionalization of the external surface due to biocompatibility and easy surface tailorability, which is observed by the presence of silanol groups. Therefore, silica nanoparticles are considered quite versatile with increasing potential in nanobiotechnology scientific research. Here, is showed the controllable synthesis of fluorescent core-shell silica particles of two different sizes and the surface functionalization of them. Fluorescence tests to assess the adhesion stability of the negative silica particles was performed in cotton fabrics and measurements of water contact angle to determine the effects in the wetting behavior of the material, in order to future applications about hydrophobicity and antimicrobial effect. Fluorescein isothiocyanate isomer (FITC) was utilized in the synthesis and 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS) to turn charged positively the external surface of the particles. Dynamic Light Scattering technique was used to characterize the particles about size distribution and surface charge. To verify the stability of the coatings in cotton fabrics, fluorescence measurements were performed in a microplate reader from the supernatant obtained after the immersion of the fabrics in water and the diluted colloidal suspension of silica particles. The results showed relative fluorescence in the supernatant obtained after immersion of the fabrics treated with SiP-A1 and with SiP-B2, indicating a higher adhesion stability of the fabrics with 1 µm silica particles. Contact angle measurement results showed that the cotton fabrics treated with SiP-A1 and SiP-B2 became more hydrophilic when compared to the untreated fabrics. So, it was obtained a stable and highly water-absorbent cotton material from the coatings made of SiPs." "modalidade" => "Pôster (PO)" "area_tematica" => "ASTRONOMIA / FÍSICA" "palavra_chave" => "SILICA NANOPARTICLES, ORGANOSILANIZATION, HYDROPHOBICITY" "idioma" => "Inglês" "arquivo" => "TRABALHO_EV081_MD4_SA74_ID868_11092017231211.pdf" "created_at" => "2020-05-28 15:53:36" "updated_at" => "2020-06-10 12:56:41" "ativo" => 1 "autor_nome" => "MARCELLA TORRES MAIA" "autor_nome_curto" => "MARCELLA MAIA" "autor_email" => "marcellatorresmaia@gmail." "autor_ies" => "UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO CEARÁ (UFC)" "autor_imagem" => "" "edicao_url" => "anais-iii-join---edicao-brasil" "edicao_nome" => "Anais III JOIN / Edição Brasil" "edicao_evento" => "III Encontro de Jovens Investigadores - Edição Brasil" "edicao_ano" => 2017 "edicao_pasta" => "anais/join/2017" "edicao_logo" => "5e4a1cc2ad894_17022020015530.jpg" "edicao_capa" => "5f186f10b9555_22072020135336.jpg" "data_publicacao" => null "edicao_publicada_em" => "2017-10-12 00:00:00" "publicacao_id" => 47 "publicacao_nome" => "Anais JOIN" "publicacao_codigo" => "2594-8318" "tipo_codigo_id" => 1 "tipo_codigo_nome" => "ISSN" "tipo_publicacao_id" => 1 "tipo_publicacao_nome" => "ANAIS de Evento" ] #changes: [] #casts: array:14 [ "id" => "integer" "edicao_id" => "integer" "trabalho_id" => "integer" "inscrito_id" => "integer" "titulo" => "string" "resumo" => "string" "modalidade" => "string" "area_tematica" => "string" "palavra_chave" => "string" "idioma" => "string" "arquivo" => "string" "created_at" => "datetime" "updated_at" => "datetime" "ativo" => "boolean" ] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: false #hidden: [] #visible: [] +fillable: array:13 [ 0 => "edicao_id" 1 => "trabalho_id" 2 => "inscrito_id" 3 => "titulo" 4 => "resumo" 5 => "modalidade" 6 => "area_tematica" 7 => "palavra_chave" 8 => "idioma" 9 => "arquivo" 10 => "created_at" 11 => "updated_at" 12 => "ativo" ] #guarded: array:1 [ 0 => "*" ] }